i would have thought this would be a happy post seeing as how i only have 6 months left in korea but i'm afraid it won't be...
our scooter was stolen sometime last night. we've been driving it for almost 2.5 years in korea and today- the day that marks 6 months left in korea- it's gone.
not long ago our scooter had been moved and the front panel was taken off and the wires were all disconnected. we thought it was some kind of prank because the grounds keeper kept telling us to put a lock on it but we didn't because we thought a little bicycle lock wouldn't do much to stop a thief...well we were right.
after what we thought was that "prank" we started locking it up but it was still stolen!
we were planning on selling that thing for anywhere from 800,000won- 1 million won! that's a good chunk of change! now we're out that AND we have to start paying for public transportation!
i'm so pissed! we LOVED having a scooter. it was so convenient and fun! and cheap too! it was cheaper to drive the scooter all the time than to take taxis all the time and it was more convenient than taking a bus.
we only have 2 months left of the semester but i'm still gonna hate taking pub. tranport to and from school everyday. first of all there are two times a bus comes near my house and goes by my school and neither are good for me. the first one is way too early and the next one is way too late! i've been waking up later and later because i'm getting more and more homesick and when i'm homesick i want to sleep ALL the time! so that leaves taxis which are really expensive over time. i may do a combo of taxi and bus. taxi to school, bus home.
but i'm so outraged that these jerks are gonna get away with stealing our scooter! there's no way to track it because we didn't have a license plate but ya know- even if we did it's not like the police would go looking for it ya know?
i told jens we should walk around town and if we see a scooter that looks just like ours we should try our key in it and take it back lol jens thinks they probably sold it to a scooter store though.
it really really sucks. we only had about 4 months left of driving it because we'll be gone for two months during vacation.
which brings me to something else- recently we native speakers were told that even though our contract SAYS we can take 26 days of vacation outside the country in feb. it doesn't actually MEAN that lol so basically our contracts mean nothing and the government or education office or whoever can just make us do whatever they want. it's crap! i'm so glad i'm getting out of this country soon. i'm just getting more and more fed up with it.
i'm still glad i came here and wouldn't change it if i could but i'm just DONE! ya know? lol i'm just ready to get out of here.
we're still taking the vacation we planned on though. i've given enough to this country- i think i deserve a vacation lol plus we want one last big hurrah before we go home and can't travel internationally for a while (due to time and money).
uugghhh, korea is depressing me..........
it's not all bad of course...but again, i'm JUST...DONE!
i'm done with dealing with all of the run around, all the rigamaroll as my mom would say lol do this, don't do that, you can't do this, you need to do that, no i'm not gonna help you, etc., etc., etc. the teaching, the students who are jerks, my crazy co-t, the school lunches, the supervising tests, the "inspection", the random fumigations that are probably giving me cancer, the water that is probably giving me cancer, horking, the smells, the looks, the comments, the noise, the trash, the honking, the construction of things, the disorganization of everything, JUST EVERYTHING! i'm so sick of all of it! i need a vacation NOW! lol
next weekend is halloween...my best friend probably can't come so that sucks.
next month is american thanksgiving so that'll be nice. i may invite some of my co-ts. it may be too many people though. we'll see.
i DO LIKE some things about korea including some of my co-workers...therefore i would like to invite them to my house for different occasions. i don't wanna sound like i hate all of korea and all korean people because that's definitely NOT the case. i'm just bogged down in all the crap right now. just because there are some things i like doesn't mean i still wanna live here lol ya know?
i'm hoping the holidays will lift my spirits....i'm hoping to just be on a christmas high for all of december lol maybe if i start drinking spiked eggnog everyday lol (j/k!)
ugh i need lessons for nov. and dec. there are a couple weeks where i won't need lessons due to exams but i need at least 5-6 more lessons and i have NO IDEA what to teach...any suggestions? if you read this and have ideas then email me :o)
i've done all the usual- introducing yourself, politeness, feelings, family, house, describing people, etc. and i just wanna do something different but i dunno what. and my stupid students are incredibly a.d.d. so i dunno what to teach them that they'll actually pay attention to. plus i'm homesick and depressed and don't wanna do anything any more so i want the lessons to be super easy for me too lol aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
this sucks.
i seriously CANNOT WAIT til vacation! then when we get back we'll just have two months left and we'll be starting a new school year so we can spend the first two weeks just doing intro stuff, teaching rules, etc. then my students may get a movie day in there before i leave so that'll be a 3rd week of no real lessons and my last week i may just do movies again for the heck of it lol so that's only like 4 weeks of lessons i'll need. and i can recycle some old lessons with the new freshmen. just need 4 new ones for the 2nd graders. it'll be easy.
and we'll be occupying the rest of our time with selling stuff off, packing, shipping stuff home, going to immigration, signing off for our pensions to be sent to the states, etc.
and then we'll be HOME at the end of april 2010- SPRING! we'll be in texas for spring and summer for the first time in like 4 years! we missed summer 2006 because we were in daegu, korea, we came home in fall and then left again for korea before summer 2007. so FOUR years without a TEXAS summer! it's gonna be weird...i may have adjusted to korean summers....although it sounds like texas summers are becoming more and more rainy rather than droughty lol maybe we'll become a rainforest! that'd be awesome!
after we get home we're gonna spend about 2-3 weeks getting some things settled in, etc. and then we're taking our HUGE WEST U.S. ROAD TRIP! all the way up to canada to visit our friends there :o) it's gonna be freaking AWESOME and i can't wait!!!!! we're gonna visit people all along the way and see all the sites we wanna see including state parks, national parks, etc. dunno how long it'll take us- a month or so maybe.
then we'll come back and jens will do the emt training to work on an ambulance and i'll start looking for jobs and we'll be starting the next chapter in our lives! in arlington! not so excited about the arlington part but that could be temporary. when we buy a house i think it'll be in ft. worth or austin...most likely not another state. but we have to see :o)
so that's that. i'm feeling a little better thinking about the future :o) so that's good! i'm gonna go do stuff now! byeeeeeeeee! UGH!
1 day ago