so last friday jens and i had some korean friends over for dinner- his co-teacher (kim ool ji), her boyfriend (___ seon oo - don't remember surname. he is a p.e. teacher at my school) and pak ji on (a young, male, 6th grade teacher from jens's school). they're all younger than us- like 23-24. we made fajitas and they liked them. then ji on grabbed jens's guitar and started playing so jens broke out his electric and they started jamming a little. then ool ji noticed we had a violin (which i thought was broken) so she got it out, tightened the strings and started playing that! it was so cool! at one point jens and ool ji did an interesting rendition of la bamba on guitar, harmonica and violin lol
we also looked at arlington, tx and mokpo on google earth and had strawberry shortcake for dessert Po: it was a great time! we're gonna go to ji on's this friday and have korean food so that should be fun. i'm hoping he makes something we like! lol
sat. we went to kat and alex's for brunch and they made some yummy east coast canadian style food: fish cakes, baked beans, fried eggs and fruit. it was so good! then we just hung out and chatted into the afternoon. we talked about their current jobs/our future jobs and what we'd want them to keep in the apt. for us. i'm SO excited about having a bigger place! it's got THREE bedrooms! one will be our bedroom, one will be the office and one will be the yoga room/guest room.
sunday we had a book swap at a coffee shop near our place but not many people showed up. then that night we went back over to kat and alex's for a game night. shanna, joe and jason joined us and we played chez geek, catan and madgab. oh and katrina had made some amazing chilli for dinner! omg it was awesome! i'm definitley gonna have to make chilli sometime here. i guess i never did before because beef was so expensive for so long and then jens and i started eating vegetarian at home. but i'm definitely going to make some sometime Po:
the past two days at work have been alright. i was a little frustrated monday but i got over it lol i won a small battle with my co-t. she wanted to show the kids this horrible, slightly racist role play video on the cd-rom but i prepared another activity to do instead and she gave in :o)
next week i'll be starting a conversation class with the 6th graders. it's not really an extra class. i won't get paid for it because it won't go over my hours i'm alotted in the contract. each day after lunch 1/2 of a 6th grade class will come in and have a very informal convo class with me for 20 mins. i only do it 4 days a week. so that amounts to 80 mins. a week. the schedule will go like this: monday 6-1 girls, tuesday 6-1 boys, thursday 6-2 girls, friday 6-2 boys. and it'll go on until i've gone through all six of the 6th grade classes and then start over again. so each group will see me like once a month...that's really not much. but korean people love to look like they're doing something worthwhile lol
anyway, in other news- we got an english world map! this 2nd grade teacher randomly gave us one! i dunno where he got it! i was gonna get one but didn't know where to buy one in korea and didn't really wanna spend the money to get one shipped from the states and then lo and behold one appears! pretty cool! so now the kids can finally find the various countries on the map that we've been talking about the past 3 weeks lol
another thing that recently appeared in mokpo and that i'm even more elated about is a tom 'n tom's coffee!!! it's this cool coffee shop that sells pretzels :o) like the good handmade kind with different toppings :o) mmmmm. jens and i went to one in seoul and liked it and now we have one in mokpo! yaaaay! mokpo's really moving up in the world! lol
this weekend we've got that dinner with our korean friends, then it's our friend's b-day party sat. night and sunday jens is having a chess tournament at ti amo (coffee and gelato place). so it'll be another busy weekend!
we've just got about one month til we move and change jobs! i think we're actually going to get one day off to move and arrange our apt. which i'm really happy about. i was afraid we'd have to call in sick or something lol
overall things are going well. we're making it through our last month at our school, jens has started writing his second novel, we've been exercising in various ways, having fun with friends, cooking new foods, and having a good time! :oD
1 day ago