this past week was our second week of school in which we actually taught classes. we have 6 6th grade classes and 6 3rd grade classes. we see 6th grade twice a week and 3rd grade once a week. we have a seating chart for each class which i think will help a lot with discipline and it's already been helpful in calling on students. i'm doing to write the romanization under each korean name so that the new girl can read it when she first gets here. most likely she won't know how to read korean least not perfectly.
so things went pretty well. we just introduces the rules and punishments to each class. well to the 6th grade at least. in the 3rd grade classes my co-t didn't want to tell them about the punishment procedures for some reason. i think she thinks the 3rd graders will be so good that we'll never have to discipline them....yeah i know, it's crazy! lol i think i'm going to talk to her this week about letting them know the system the next time we teach them.
we also had a bit of a disagreement on how to dismiss the students. she would tell them bye and wait until they were halfway out of their seats to tell them we had a specific procedure for leaving the classroom. THEN she would tell them how to leave. it was unneccesarily confusing. but not that big of a deal.
a bigger deal was that she went over time in every single class and then the homeroom teachers kept having their students show up early. i told my co-t we should have the students line up outside the door until it's actually time for class so we can actually have a break but she said- can't they come in and sit in their seats? i was like well we need a break between classes. and she just gave me a look that let me know she was going to completely ignore what i said lol so yeah, all the classes have been coming in early but i'm still taking my breaks between classes. i need them to stay sane. i have to have that 10 mins. to just sit down and prepare my mind for the next class.
lunch has been more fun than usual now that the 5th and 6th grade p.e. teachers have been sitting with me and talking to me in english. it makes a world of difference! they're really funny. they talk about the most random things sometimes. i guess because they're not sure what to talk about and also they have limited english. the 6th grade p.e. teacher is dating jens's co-t so we're having them and another teacher from jens's school over this fri. we're gonna make fajitas. it'll be really nice to have some korean people over. we haven't been that successful in making korean friends here. the two we have live in other cities now and it's hard to see them. in fact we have a 3rd korean friend but she lives in australia! lol
anyway, the weekend was nice. i think we stayed in friday night and all day and night sat. there was a hike planned sat. but it actually SNOWED sat. morning! isn't that crazy? being texan we couldn't really get over the fact that it had snowed and couldn't bring ourselves to go out until like 5pm lol we took the dog for a walk, got a few groceries and then went in again for the night.
sunday i made biscuits and i used the baking powder abby and j brought us from canada for the first time and MAN did it make a difference! korean baking powder is crap! it makes all our baked goods smell like chemicals for some reason! like bleach! it's horrible. but not only did the canadian baking powder not smell like bleach but it also made the biscuits taste better than any biscuits i'd ever made with korean baking powder. they were AMAZING! if i do say so myself ;o) lol
then i met up with a bunch of my girl friends at ti amo (coffee and gelato place) to vote on who we thought would win this season of america's next top model! :oD we're all putting 10,000won in "the hat" and whoever picks the girl who wins will get the money pot! we did it last season and i won, which was nice :o)
then that night we had dinner with a and j.
and today was monday! we're doing the second part of lesson one with 6th grade this week and it's all about "where are you from" so i gave 10 kids a different country's flag each and then i asked them where are you from? after they told me i looked up that country on google earth and they loved it! they thought it was really amazing to see real pictures of all these different countries and cities. i showed them my parents house and our school and it was really fun :o) i LOVE google earth!
no one has mentioned extra classes to me and i'm wondering if they're going to have me do any before i leave. like i said before i gave my co-t a list of my "demands" lol but i dunno if she really understood the fact that i'm either gonna do that or nothing. i'm worried they're planning it all out a different way and they're gonna come to me and say oh here's what you're teaching next month. the kids have already signed up and the parents have paid, etc. and if it's different than what i said i'd do then i'm gonna be pretty annoyed. i'm just gonna have to say no. i told you what i would do and this isn't it. it would be so AWESOME if i didn't have to do any at all before i leave though! i'm loving having the afternoons free. it's such a relief to come back from lunch and be DONE!
i know a lot of people would consider me lazy because i'm complaining about possibly having to work one more hour a day but i've just always hated working! i dunno what it is! i mean i know a lot of people don't like to work but i've also known a lot of people who have said- i like to work to keep busy. i dunno what i'd do with myself if i didn't have to work, etc. i, on the other hand, truly, truly hate it. i'd be ecstatic if i never had to work again! i mean i've really liked some of the jobs i've had at the beginning. but it doesn't matter how much i like it in the beginning i ALWAYS get sick of it! and i wonder if that's how it's always going to be. if i'm never going to find a job that i don't get sick of after a couple years. i have ideas of jobs that i think i'd be interested in and possibly passionate about but i worry that i'd just get sick of those too. i wish i could just not work and just volunteer doing things i'm really interested in and enjoy doing and i can hop from one thing to another so i never get tired of whatever i'm doing! that'd be great!
but for now i guess i just have to stick this out! :oP
alright i'm gonna go make dinner! have a great day!
1 day ago
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