It's April! Yay! I feel like writing a colorful blog today! :o) It's actually beginning to look a lot like Spring here in Mokpo, South Korea! The Cherry Blossoms are blooming :o) I LOVE them! It's still pretty cold though so I'm hoping it'll warm up soon!
But now that it's April I feel like I can begin my countdown to the time we move and start our NEW jobs!!! We've got about 2.5 weeks! Woohoo!
Now, first of all I wanna get some venting out of the way. So here goes:
I was a bit frustrated this past week because I called in sick on Monday (everyone has a cold right now) and on Tuesday my co-t actually gave me crap for it. She said I shouldn't ever call in on a Monday because I should have time to rest on Sat. and Sun. which I can understand to a certain extent but you can't help what day you get sick! I felt the worst on Monday so I called in. In Korea they don't have the concept of - if you're sick, STAY HOME! They think you should always come to work no matter what. I've never had a co-t that has ever taken even ONE sick day! So you can imagine the conflict between the Korean teachers and the foreign teachers here when it comes to sick days. Foreigners see it as- I get FIFTEEN sick days in my contract so I'm allowed 15 days. Period. No questions asked. Yet as soon as a foreigner takes ONE day their school freaks out! The first time I took a sick day my principal had my co-t come to my house to check on me! (Which would be so inappropriate in the U.S. - an invasion of privacy). It was like he thought- omg, if she called in she must be dying! Better check on her! either that or - I don't believe she's sick, better go see.
What frustrated me so much this time was that it's the beginning of the school year. I'd only be working at this school for 2 months of this school year. I've got like 10-12 sick days left to use. This school has been working with me for 2 years. They know that I take sicks days eeeeevery so often. And I'm about to leave forever and never work for them again. Yet STILL when I take ONE sick day they have to scold me over it and act all put out. The thing is I know I didn't put out my co-t by not being there Monday. I know for a fact that she has no problem teaching by herself. I know this because she practically takes over my portion of the teaching every time I try to teach. It's obvious she'd be happier if I just wasn't there. But because she had to tell the principal that I wasn't coming to school and because of the way Korean culture is she felt she had to say something.
In my opinion it just created unneccesary awkwardness and tension between us. Because she scolded me it made me angry and frustrated and made me not want to interact with her for most of the week. I felt like it was a bad time to pick a battle ya know? I've got 2.5 weeks left! What's the point in trying to change my "sick day" behavior now? It's like just wait 2.5 weeks and you'll be rid of me! lol
What I think needs to happen though is this- Korean teachers need to be better informed of what foreigners are like, what their culture is like and how they're going to think about certain things. For example- sick days. Korean teachers should be told that in most English speaking countries- when you're sick, you call in, no questions asked (within reason of course! if you call in like 3 days in a row someone might need to say something. or if you call in like once a week for 3 weeks or something that's definitely grounds for a talking to but you get what i mean). KTs should just be aware that FTs have a right to take 15 days a year within reason. They shouldn't say something to us the first time we ever take a sick day. Or if we only take one like once every 3 months or something they shouldn't scold us. No FT I've ever known has ever taken all of their 15 days. It's not like we're abusing the privelage of having the days. Most people take one just eeeevery once in a while- like you might back home. And I think Korean teachers (and principals, etc.) just need to accept that. There are things we FTs have to accept about Korean culture and I just believe this is one thing KTs should back down from. It's not that big of a deal and esp. in elem. school it doesn't mean that the classes won't get taught- there's always a co-t there to fill in, no problem.
Ok I'm off my soapbox now :o)
Anyway! I'm hoping my new school (the high school) won't be as uptight about sick days. I've already asked my "predecessor" about it and apparently he's never had much of a problem. His co-t doesn't act put out, she doesn't call him later in the day or show up at his apt. to check on him and doesn't scold him the next day at school. So that sounds nice :o) This whole sick day ordeal at my school has been the bain of my existence for TWO YEARS! I have always gotten flack for it every single time I've taken a sick day so it'll be really nice not to have that problem anymore :o)
Of course I do realize I will have other, different problems at my new school lol Mainly, the main co-t. I don't have to teach with her but she's sort of my "guide" in and out of school in Korea. I go to her for help with immigration issues, apt. issues, getting a cell phone, and anything related to "life in Korea" and my "predecessor" calls her "the retard" lol ...for good reason! She apparently has no clue how to interact with people (asks inappropriate questions and is super awkward), gets confused about the simplest of things (even in her everyday life in Korea...not due to translation problems), and many other things. So I'm not really looking forward to dealing with her. But! it sounds like there will be several other English teachers that are really cool and helpful. So that'll be good :o)
I'll be teaching 1st and 2nd grade high school (which is 10th and 11th grade in the U.S. - I know it's really weird how they do it here) and I'll have 8 classes of each grade so 16 classes a week I one extra class and one teachers class. Something like that. Doesn't sound bad at all.
I'll have my own classroom with my very own attached office! Plus I'll have another desk up in some teachers staff room which I'll have to go to every once in a while. So all in all I'll have like 3 desks in the school which is pretty cool. I'm most excited about having my own classroom though. Like really my OWN! I don't even have to share it with a co-t like I do now at the elem. school. So I can really and truly do whatever I want!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm ecstatic about that!!! I can decorate it how I want, I can make my own rules and punishment system and ACTUALLY implement it! And I can teach whatever I want, however I want (to a certain extent of course- I'm sure if I just showed movies every day that wouldn't fly lol). But I'll have total autonomy- I can't even believe it! I've been dealing with co-ts at my current school for so long I can hardly imagine what it'll be like to actually have some say in what goes on in my classroom! Yipee!!! When I leave the elem. school I'm really gonna have to resist the urge to say SO LONG SUCKA'S!!! lol
Now I know I will be replaced by another person and I don't want it to sound like that person is going to have a horrible time at my school- they most likely will have a fine time if not a great time! Why? Because it'll be their first year. I think the first year is the easiest in a lot of ways because you're brand new, you don't know much about the country and how it works and why it is the way it is. So when weird things happen at school you kinda just blow it off. You chock it up to cultural differences and don't worry about it that much. It's when you've finished a year here and go through a second that things start to get a little difficult because now you know a lot about the country and you see why certain things are the way they are. You see the things you believe to be faults and how they could fix them, yet they don't fix them so it's frustrating, ya know? I know that sounds really ethnocentric but it's true. You can't help but project your own values and culture on Korea when you're here long enough. That's just how it is.
So yeah, I'm sure the new girl will be just fine at the elem. school. It's a pretty good gig overall. The schedule is good. It doesn't look like they're going to force extra classes on her. There's an English classroom which makes so many things so much easier. The co-t speaks really good English so there's not as much chance for things to get lost in translation (there's just the chance of cultural differences getting in the way). There are a lot of things about the school and the job that are positive. I've just worked there two years and need to move on to something different. I need a change.
Anywhoooo- tonight is the 1950s style welcome to Mokpo/birthday party for our contact person at the JOE (Jeollanamdo Office of Educ.) The entire office is moving to Muan so she'll be living in Mokpo now (they're next to each other). The Fighting Mokpo All-Stars will be performing! It's Jens, Alex B., Nick K. and another guy I've never met. They've been practicing 50s tunes all week and it's been pretty fun to listen to :o) I grew up listening to that stuff with my parents on 98.7 KLUV! lol Made me kinda homesick.
I'm gonna try to find a pink scarf to wear in my hair today. I think Katrina is gonna go downtown with me. I also wanna see if there are any affordable, business-style clothes down there. I feel my wardrobe is a bit too relaxed compared to what Korean teachers wear most of the time. I just wanna get a couple items to spruce things up a bit...if there's anything affordable. Last time I looked I could only find tops for like 100,000won! Koreans spend way too much on clothes!
Then tomorrow is little Eoghan's b-day. He'll be 1 year old! It's crazy to think it's already been over a year since Crystal and I threw Amanda her baby shower! That was the first baby shower I had ever helped host and now I'm about to co-host a 3rd one! Abby's pregnant and Shanna and I are planning her baby shower for end of June/early July. I'm so excited! I love party planning in general. Wish I could do it back home but I dunno how to get into it prob. doesn't pay much...
Pretty soon here we're gonna have to go over to the new apt. and figure out what all we wanna keep/switch out, etc. We're gonna switch out some of the stuff that we bought ourselves. Like we wanna keep our coffee pot, dishes, some utensils, etc. So we'll take ours over there and bring theirs over here. We won't be taking anything that's meant to stay in this apt. though. Stuff that belongs to the school.
I'm SO excited about having a 3 bedroom apt. though!!! I just can't wait!! It's gonna be so nice. I was pretty content with our apt. this year but it's just really exciting to finally be living in one of the big apts.! We'll actually have space to walk all the way around our bed! and we'll have a table that can seat SIX people! and we'll have a REAL desk! (not a converted vanity table on stilts lol) and we'll have a looooong balcony and tons of storage! and a BIG sink! and TWO wardrobes! oh AND a closet!!! omg the list just goes on and on! not to brag or anything :o) I'm just getting excited to finally have all these creature comforts :o) some people are lucky enough to get a big apt. their first year. It's just a matter of what job you happen to get. So it just so happened we were stuck with a tiny apt. our first year and for our 2nd year we convinced our schools to move us but we still ended up with a less than ideal-sized apt. It was definitely better than the first so that's why I've been fairly content with it. But it's just awesome to finally get one of the biggest apts. out of all the foreigner apts. in Mokpo. Now I'll have no problem when it comes to having big parties! I can invite everyone! Yay!
So that's what's going on in my world- finishing up the elem. school job. About to move to a big apt. and start working at the high school. Going to birthday parties. Cuddling with the puppy :o) (she's doing just fine by the way). Enjoying the coming of Spring! Anticipating warm weather! And that's about it for now :o)
I may not update again til after we move. Not sure yet, we'll see. Until then I hope you all have a wonderful April! :oD
1 day ago
You are not going to know how to act with a bigger place huh? It will be nice for sure. The puppies will have more room to play. I guess they will still have to stay on the balcony while you are gone right? They can't get off the balcony I hope. Well good luck with your move and new job as well. Hope all works out better for you. Love mom