i SERIOUSLY need to update right? but jens just went to get pizza school pizza and when he gets back we'll be eating that and watching lost so i don't really have time.
but i just wanted to let all of you know that i know i need to update lol
here's a very brief one to give you a taste ;o)
jens and i went to japan for about 10 days - end of july to beginning of august and it was AWESOME! i LOVE japan! we stayed with our friend kacie (uta friend) most of the time and hung out with her and erin (another uta friend) so that was fun!
as soon as we got back we met up with our friends ben and vivienne from texas at the seoul airport. they were here for 2 weeks and we went to mokpo, gwangju, jejudo and seoul and had a GREAT time!
THEN! as soon as ben and viv left i had to go back to school BLEEEHHHH! school sucks i'm so ready to never teach again! lol my main co-t is as crazy as ever but there have been some other changes - apparently there's some new korean english conversation technical assistant guy that will be sharing an office with me come sept. or nov. i met him and his english isn't great which is weird since he's supposedly going to be the head of the english dept. ???? oh korea. also, another english teacher that was on maternity leave came back and i got to meet her for the first time - she's awesome! i think she's my favorite now :o)
in other news a bunch of new people have arrived (new foriegners to teach english) and i met some of them. i haven't gotten to spend much time with any of them yet though so i don't know any names and therefore haven't found them on facebook and therefore they may as well not exist, right? haha just kidding!!! :o)
let's see....jens sure is taking a long time.....guess i'll keep writing! we watched bella, amanda and ian's dog, for about a week and therefore had 3 dogs in the house. that was crazy! she just left today and while she is very sweet and cute i was glad to get back to only having 2 dogs again :o)
last friday was jens's 27th birthday!!! and he actually had a birthday party for the first time since i've known him!!! we had about 12 people over, ate finger foods, played video games, watched a kung fu movie, had ice cream cake (two cakes- one shaped like a whale and one made of ice cream cubes- very cute!) and then we all went bowling. it was fun! and i think it finally convinced jens that birthday parties are fun to have! lol
the weather is actually already getting chilly! i'm bummed because i barely got to swim at all this year :o( the two times i was at beaches either the weather sucked or the water was too shallow and cold. some people went to an island fri. and sat. but i had so many other things to do we didn't go and it seems sat. was the last hot day...and it wasn't that hot.
i'm kind of excited for fall though :o) i don't like sweating while teaching lol and i have more work-appropriate fall clothes than summer clothes. no more scrambling for something to wear! the only thing i dread is winter! it gets so freaking cold here! but! it's my last winter here so that's good :o) and we'll be going to se asia in jan. and feb. so that'll be a nice break! then i can get my swimming in! lol
alright well jens is back so i must go! hopefully i can get a chance to update about japan and ben and viv's visit soon!
1 day ago
Where is Pizza School?