so it started snowing last night and has been continuing to snow off and on since then. i woke up to a winter wonderland! :o)
it was really cool at school today because we were making xmas ornaments in my classes and listening to xmas music but on top of all that it kept snowing like crazy and it just felt so wintry! it was awesome! :o) a couple time i looked out the window and could only see WHITE it was snowing so hard. never seen so much snow in my life!
and i swear my cold tolerance has totally changed since i've lived here! of course, i also have a really good coat this year! but even in the snow i don't feel that cold! it's nice! but i'm afraid i'll just be dying during this next summer in texas! ah! lol
anyway, the classes went pretty well. i have to watch the students like a hawk though so they don't steal my supplies! one girl even went over and took a snowflake sequin off of someone else's ornament that was on the tree so she could use it! the little bugger! teaching high school students makes me lose faith in humanity!!! lol
anyway, i had the big talk about vacation yesterday and i think we've come to the agreement with our schools that we'll just not come in to work all winter but also not get paid (other than the 26 days of paid vacation we're allotted in our contract). it sucks but it's better than changing our vacation plans!
we thought we had our dog-sitters squared away for the winter but turns out one girl had an allergic reaction to them after the playdate they had :o( so we're back to looking for someone for the 2nd half of feb.! we've got 2 weeks to find someone!
jens's band's concert is tonight in hadang (other side of town) and i tried to convince him to stay home with me because of the snowy, icy weather but he was determined to go! i thought about going but after my journey home after school i gave up on the idea. it's just too crazy out there. i really hope jens makes it to the other side of town ok!!!!
tomorrow they're supposed to play again at the xmas party up at that same bar but again- it's supposed to be snowy and icy so i dunno if we should go.
sunday i want to make a bunch of xmas cookies for my school. hoping i can get them all done that day.
then i'll just have one week and two days of school left! it's drawing to a close!!! woohoo!
i'm knitting a scarf for jens and have been since sept. i think lol it's taking forever! of course i don't knit everyday like i should. it's getting there though. i think next time i need to start it in june lol
ok well both the dogs want to cuddle in my lap so i'm gonna go snuggle up on the couch with them and watch tv. happy snow day everyone!
1 day ago
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