i don't wanna write much cuz it's late but i'll do a short entry to get you updated :o)
i couldn't have had a better last night in korea! it was AWESOME! went to eat with friends, then went to a bar, a noraebang, and another bar and just danced and sang the night away! it was SO much fun! best way to do it! i was literally dancing with people as i said goodbye to them :o) no time for getting sad and crying! lol
that's where the fun ended though cuz we took a bus up to seoul and it was horrible! 5 hours of our driver driving like a bat out of hades! and he had the heater on full blast so it was like a sauna on there! we couldn't sleep at all and i felt totally sick by the time we got to the airport :o/
got the dogs checked at quarantine, checked our bags and dogs, got a snack and got straight on the plane!
the flight was much better than the bus ride! although i couldn't eat much because i kept feeling nauseated from lack of sleep. wasn't too bad though- we ate, we read, we slept a little, we watched movies, etc. i love korean air's entertainment selection- it's amazing! i watched the lovely bones and whip it- both good!
we arrived at dfw at about 8:30am local time, went to immigration, got our dogs and bags (dogs did great! no accidents! lol), went through customs (they took our dog food and treats but no biggie), and then met up with our parents! it was great!
we immeditately took the dogs to the pet relief area in the parking garage so they could go to the bathroom. it's a little 3x4 foot space with wood chips and a fake fire hydrant lol so funny. jjang peed like 6 times lol
got back to the house and the morning was pretty chaotic- we let the dogs run around the yard and they met mom's big dog, cheyenne. then mom surprised me with her new puppy which i didn't know she had! she got a teeny tiny little yorkie about a month ago- her name's diva and she literally vibrates constantly lol i swear she never stops moving even when she's peeing lol so funny! sadie is doing good with the other dogs but jjang is NOT. he's being a little turd! he's just being too aggressive and barking too much. hopefully he'll calm down after a while. we went out and saw our little house we'll be living in!
if you don't know- my dad built a little apt/guesthouse onto the back of their garage for my grammie several years ago and recently she had to move into a home for round the clock care so the house is vacant. i'm really grateful we're able to live out there. we call it the bungalow. anyway quite a bit of my grammie's stuff is still out there so we have to go through it, take stuff out, unpack our stuff and put it away. it's gonna take some time but it's starting to come together. i'm excited about making it our own.
i absolutely LOVE the yard! it is SO WONDERFUL to have a yard. if you've never been without one then you just have no idea just how great it is to have one lol it's amazing. i feel like i live in a park lol and the dogs having a great time to of course. they're outside so much and they haven't peed in the house but once. i'm sure it was jjang and i'm not sure why he did it cuz the door was open to the outside. i was asleep so i'm not sure when it happened but he may have been sleeping, woke up and just randomly peed in the middle of the floor lol other than that they've done great though!
so back to our first morning- we let the dogs out, saw the house and had a brunch with grandparents, parents and siblings. it was wonderful! eggs, bacon, homemade raisin bread, blueberries, strawberries, grapefruit, coffee, apple butter, honey we bought in laos- yum!
we unpacked a little the first day and then took a long nap! woke up about 6pm and went to jens'a parents' house for dinner with them and his sister jill. they got a new puppy about a month ago too- a welsh terrier named hugo. so cute! the dogs played in the yard while jim grilled amazing sausages from central market (one had apple in it and it was delicious!), eggplant, mushrooms and squash. we ate it with homemade wheat bread and a salad made from veggies from their garden. oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooosh! i was in heaven!
after leaving there we came back to the bungalow and jens had joel over and we sat on the porch and ate CHEESE that joel brought. thanks joel!!! i think it was...edam? i don't even know i just started devouring it lol
i went to bed at 11p and jens went at 2a and we both got up today at 6am.
we ate a quick breakfast and then went on an EPIC grocery trip! lol i had to take pictures throughout of course lol SO MUCH VARIETY!!!! so much cereal! and bbq sauce! and beer! i think we were there 2-2.5 hours! we wanted to get beer and wine but a guy working there said you can't buy it before 12pm on a sunday! LOL LAME! first culture shock moment lol
we came back and had to empty the pantry before we could put stuff away. then ben and vivienne came over and we ate some of the goat cheese and crackers we bought and chatted on the porch before viv had to go to school.
then ben helped us pack/unpack stuff. we got a slow start but overall we got quite a bit done today. all the stuff we don't want is almost outta the house and my mom emptied two of our suitcases for us today. so that's good! a big problem though is my mom took all my gram's plates, pots, pans, and utensils out of the kitchen so we could put ours in but ours are still in storage and we haven't had time to get to them yet lol so we've been borrowing stuff from my parents/just cooking out at their place lol we're gonna be in limbo for a couple weeks i'm sure. there's so much stuff to go through before we find our plates, etc. lol
it's crazy but it's ok! lol we're just loving being HOME!!!!
we got iphones and they're AMAZING! i've been having fun playing with that and jens bought all the parts for the computer he's going to build. we got a 28 inch comp screen lol it's gonna double as our tv! we won't have network or cable tv out at our place but we're used to just downloading shows and watching them on the comp so i think it'll work out fine. if we really wanna watch something on regular tv we can just go over to my parents' house.
we went out to eat with my parents tonight at pho 21 (vietnamese) and it was really good. jens just about fell asleep at the table though since he got less sleep than me last night lol
i'm probably staying up too late now- it's after 1am. so i'd better go! gotta get a lot more done tomorrow! goodnight!
1 day ago
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