so i'm feeling less homesick these days :o)
i had a girls night friday that was pretty fun. only a few girls came but we watched the latest episode of antm and made fun of tyra and that's always amusing lol
last night there was a pirate lebowski party and that was alright (it was national talk like a pirate day and the annual lebowski festival...i guess in the a friend of ours combined the two and had a party lol we wore combo pirate/the dude costumes and watched the big lebowski) first it was just a bunch of guys and me but some girls finally showed up a couple hours later and i had someone to talk to. the party did help me realize why i don't hang out with single guys who like to drink though! :o)
i had a HORRIBLE night's sleep unfortunately. i just kept getting woken up by jens, the dogs, drunk ajossis yelling outside, taxis honking, people using the elevator in my building, etc. but at least it was a sun. so i could sleep in! i'm amazed by the amount of noise in this country and how different it is back home. the most you ever hear back home is people driving by your house and that's not very loud at all. every once in a while you might hear something like people trimming trees, etc. but that's not an everyday thing. can't wait to get back to semi-silence back home! :o) but like i said i'm not as anxious to get back home now that i've got some stuff going on here.
today a bunch of girls met up to bet on the latest season of antm (america's next top model). we watch the first few eps. and then choose who we think will win and put 10,000won into the pot. if our girl wins then we'll win all the money. quite a few girls are in on it this season so whoever wins will get a good chunk o' change! i have no idea who might win so i picked fairly randomly. who knows though- my girl might end up winning lol
so i think i'm gonna try to have some kind of girls night every week...even if only one girl is available to do something. i just think it'll be fun and it'll help a lot with homesickness to plan to do things with friends every week. esp. gatherings with just a few girls or even one girl- so that it's not always big parties where you can't really talk to anyone for any length of time or you can't hear anyone that well, ya know? i like to go to parties and have time with small groups.
i'm happy that i've got all my lessons planned for this next week. i'm gonna have to plan two more pretty soon though. hopefully i'm motivated enough to do it lol but by plan i really mean - take someone else's lesson and adapt it to my classes lol so it's not that hard.
next weekend i've got girls night again, then a housewarming party and i might have jens take me out to practice driving the scooter. i drove it a little around a parking lot last night and did ok by myself but i absolutely could NOT drive it with jens on the back. as soon as i would push the gas i'd fall towards one side or the other. i really wonder if i'll ever be able to drive a scooter with someone else on it. i doubt i'll ever do it in korea. we're most likely getting a scooter back home though so if i practice driving by myself a lot then i may eventually be able to drive with someone on it too.
pretty soon it'll be chuseok and i think jens and i are gonna go with our friends to an island and just chill out for a few days which will be nice :o)
then soon enough it'll be halloween. the big party is already being planned! :o) fun fun!
anyway, i'm glad i'm getting over this homesickness. life is more fun when you're not depressed! haha lol i still get down about things here and there- things i'm tired of dealing with in korea - but now i'm starting to plan fun things to distract me from the negative. so that'd good!
if you're wondering about how jens is doing after lasik- he's doing great! he can see far away really well but still can't quite read a book yet- it's a strain to look at things up close. but over time that'll go away.
oh and the dogs are doing well! i'm happy to say that we can actually let jjang sleep in the bed with us and sadie now!!! we just decided to try it a couple weeks ago because he kept waking me up in the middle of the night scratching on his cage or making choking sounds (because he'd be eating parts of the cage) so i just threw caution to the wind and let him sleep in the bed with the door open (we can do that now that we don't have to use the ac anymore, since it's getting cooler) and he didn't pee on the floor! AND he hasn't peed on the floor once since then. i think he's finally gotten the fact that we only want him to pee on the pads. so that's exciting lol and i like being able to cuddle with him in the bed now. i felt so bad before that sadie could sleep with us and he couldn't.
i'm a little worried about when we get back home though because we wanna train them to go it'll be housebreaking them all over again :oP not looking forward to that! but we'll deal with it when we come to it.
for now i must go! have a great week!
1 day ago
You do like your gambling!