well hey - i'm updating again...not sure why though since it seems like hardly anyone reads it...someone comments about 1% of the time...but whatever.
anyway i was feeling homesick recently but i'm starting to feel better. i'm getting a break from teaching this week since most classes have earned a movie day. i just teach classes on friday. also i've decided to start getting together with some girlfriends once a week if possible. first get together is this friday night at my place. we're just gonna do something really laid back- hang out, eat, chat, maybe watch a movie. i think it'll be really nice to get together with friends at least once a week and just have some bonding time, ya know? bond over our mutual lifestyle of living in korea lol
i'm thinking about MAYBE going to yoga at this studio that's like right by my apt. complex. i hear it's not as intense as that place i used to go to. i'd be more motivated to go if i could get someone to go with me though. one of my friends is thinking about it but she just had a baby so we have to wait and see.
oh and i've gotten some girls together for the annual america's next top model betting pool lol we've done it for two seasons so far- this will be the third. we watch the first few episodes and then bet on who we think will win. we put 10,000won each into the pool and whoever picks the girl that wins will win all the money :o) antm is pretty cheesy but it's just a fun, silly thing to do - esp. during free time at work - watch an ep. and then talk about it through email or facebook lol
i think things will start gearing up here pretty soon- with parties and then planning for halloween, thanksgiving, xmas and finally new years...then it'll be winter break and we'll be going on vacation and before we know it we'll be ending our time here in korea. as much as i want it to go by quickly i know that i'll be sad to leave and a bit scared to start the next chapter in my life.
i'm sure looking for a job back home will NOT be fun...and i'm worried that there's no chance i'll find something i actually WANT to do :o( i really wanna be an assistant to a wedding planner or event planner. if that doesn't work out i'd like to do anything related to the eco-friendly field which will probably be easier to find...so we'll see.
jens has A LOT going on! just got this lasik done and that's going well. he can drive and use the computer and play video games...just no reading yet. he's been practicing music with a friend once a week. they're trying to start a band. he also just joined a d and d group which meets once a week so that's two nights i week i can get him out of the house! ;o) lol not to mention he's wanting to start his 3rd novel soon.
hobbies that i would LIKE to have are painting, knitting, doing yoga but none of those seem to be happening at the moment lol maybe at the girls night i can get my friend to remind me how to knit and then i can make that scarf i wanted to make for jens...
as for painting i have all the supplies but i don't know what to paint. i kinda feel like i don't wanna waste the materials on a crap painting ya know? it's like - if i'm gonna use one of the two canvases i have i want it to be good...i want to be able to display it...i don't want to have to just hide it or throw it out afterwards...i also have two little cardboard covered in paper canvases...5x7 inches or so, which are a little less intimidating...i should just do it! just paint already! geez! lol
anyway i need to go take a shower and get to bed. goodnight everyone!
1 day ago
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