so we've only got 5 weeks left. i'm surprised at how the time is flying. it felt slow at first but now i'm almost down to one month left in korea! that's such a short time!
this past week started out kinda crappily but ended somewhat happily :o) i'm starting to get into the groove of teaching. i started to have a little more energy about mid-week and the classes went pretty well. yes i still have the odd "omg shut up please" moments and the "co-teacher: what the heck are you doing?" moments but overall i'm dealing. friday was good. 3 classes in a row- my worst co-t actually showed up and stayed for the entire two classes he was supposed to be there for so that was good.
friday night i went out with friends to a noraebang and it was fun as always! :o) i'm gonna miss noraebangs (karaoke rooms). supposedly they have some in dallas???
today jens and i just chilled. did laundry, etc. actually i've been trying to do the same load of laundry since about 1pm (and it's now 7pm) because our korean washer is a piece of crap lol i'm going to LOVE having a regular washer and dryer in the states.
i had dinner with my old insane co-t last wed. i was dreading it but it wasn't too bad. i just have to resign myself to the fact that as long as i live in korea she's not going to leave me alone lol i'll probably see her one or two more times at least. she wants to have dinner, have me over to her apt., maybe go to a temple or something. sounds nice but hanging out with her is actually quite difficult. but i get through it. this past time she told me some shocking information that she never mentioned before- she has a husband and 6 year old daughter that live in gwangju. her mother-in-law takes care of the daughter and that's all she would say! i couldn't get anything else out of her! i was so surprised! i wanted to know more but she deflected my questions and changed the subject. it was really weird. but that's kim sook hee! weird! i have a feeling she and her husband are separated or divorced. that's really scandalous in korea so i'm sure that's why she's never mentioned it before. i don't think anyone at my school knows but me!
anyway, so our plans for the rest of our time in korea are as follows:
our replacements will visit next weekend to see the apt. and pay us for some furniture they want to buy.
first weekend of april we will go to anhwa island and visit the heaslips and the stainbrooks with shanna and joe.
2nd weekend we'll go to seoul and finally see the dmz.
3rd weekend (and last weekend) we'll start packing and if the weather is nice hike up yudal or something. hopefully the cherry blossoms are blooming by then :o)
and that's it! we'll have a week left at work, go out with friends our last night (friday, april 23rd) and then at 2am on the 24th we'll take a bus up to the airport with our dogs and all our crap! our plane leaves around 10am on the 24th and we'll actually travel TO THE FUTURE! lol we arrive in texas at 8am on the 24th! isn't that funny how the time change works?
we'll be in texas before we know it! i daydream about it all the time! the weather, the food, our little bungalow, the dogs playing in the yard, etc. :o)
i wish it would hurry up and get a little warmer here- that always puts me in a better mood!
anyway that's all for now! bye!
1 day ago
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