all of the sudden i am able to sign into my blog AT SCHOOL! i can update so much more now! although i only have 5 days of school left! lol
i'm currently waiting on my co-teacher to show up at school so we can go eat dinner and then go to the school concert- i think it will be the school orchestra and maybe some other kinds of performances. i'm happy to go to the concert but i'm afraid of what it'll be like sitting next to my insane co-t the whole we'll see.
i'm SUPER jittery right now because i had TWO tiny cups of the instant coffee that comes out of the machine downstairs. it's milk and sugar coffee and it must have a higher percentage of caffiene in it than regular american black coffee cuz it amounted to about 1/4 of a cup but i'm soooooo shakey right now! crazy!
i had lunch with almost all of the english teachers today. one of them treated us to yenal bodibap. old style bibimbap. it's really good. i had been to that specific restaurant 3 times before. it was really nice to be taken to a restaurant i actually like rather than an octopus soup restaurant or raw fish! yay!
tomorrow is wednesday! humpday! school's almost out! i'm just showing movies wed. and thurs. and then fri. we're off for xmas!!!
jens and i are going to abby and jason's xmas eve and jason will be making a traditional ukrainian dinner because his family has ukrainian ancestors. then xmas morning jens and i will get up, open presents, make some kind of yummy breakfast and then make sweet potato casserole and pumpkin pie to take over to a and j's that afternoon. we're having a big xmas dinner with them and some other friends. should be great! we'll eat, play games, maybe watch an xmas movie and have a generally merry time! i'm so glad i've got great friends here i can spend the holidays with! last christmas in korea!
after that a and j just have a few days before they leave korea forever! they will be missed but we'll be visiting them on our huge road trip next spring! yay!
we leave jan. 3rd for our vacation! can't wait! jens and i have been planning the itinerary and booking bungalows, etc. SO EXCITED!!!!
i'm super relieved to finally have dog-sitters for the entire winter. thanks so much to all of you who are helping us out!
man it's almost 5:30 and my co-t is supposed to be here to take me to dinner before the concert starts at 6:30!!! i have a feeling we'll be late...dangit! i knew this would happen. she had to go all the way to gwangju earlier today for some reason and then was going to come back and get me for the concert. i should have just gone home for dinner and had her pick me up later. oh well!
anyway, there's a couple i'm in touch with that might be taking over for jens and i after we leave. i just sent them an email with a ton of info about our jobs, etc. but haven't heard back yet. we don't have to fill our jobs before we leave or anything. just kind of nice to already be in touch with our replacements (if they decide to replace us). this way they have time to decide if they wanna buy any of the furniture, etc. we're selling that does not belong to the schools.
ugh i'm so glad i only have movie classes left. the students have been driving me nuts! esp. the boys! but the girls too...they're just really inconsiderate. they steal stuff, they scream and yell, the boys have taekwondo matches in the middle of the room, they lose my craft supplies and won't look for them, they leave paper all over the place, they have races with the rolling chairs, they break chairs, they draw giant penises for x-mas ornaments, they talk back, they ignore me, they watch movies on mini flat screens during class, and just generally act like complete jerks!
i so don't wanna teach at all next semester. i'm worried about what the new 1st graders will be like....but i'm almost more worried about what the old 1st graders turned 2nd graders will be like because they're horrible right now. i don't think a vacation will change them into completely different people lol
i'll have a new main co-teacher next semester though. that'll be A HUGE change! it'll be like a completely different job! my other co-ts will change up a bit too. one of my favorite co-ts wants to transfer schools because the students are so bad but she don't know if she will be able to. it's not her time yet. teachers are supposed to stay at one school for 4 years. she's been here 3.
aaahhh where is my co-t??? i'm soooo hyper!!!!! lol
wonder what we're gonna eat for dinner...we're gonna have to scarf it down whatever it is...she likes noodle soups and deadly spicy stuff. i prefer the noodle soups lol they take a long time for me to eat though because it's hard to eat noodles with chopsticks and a spoon.
i'm beginning to wonder if i'm gonna be locked in this school all night! i'm like the only one here! it's getting dark out.
alright well i'm gonna go in case she gets here and i have to fly out the door!
6 days ago